Stretch and Challenge: A teacher's guide
December 7, 2021
Is your school embracing a stretch and challenge agenda? Find out what practical measures you can take to make sure everyone is thinking for themselves.
December 7, 2021
Is your school embracing a stretch and challenge agenda? Find out what practical measures you can take to make sure everyone is thinking for themselves.
Stretch and challenge, a pedagogical approach that resonates with both primary and secondary school leaders, is more than a mere buzzword in modern education. It's a philosophy that embodies an ethos of ambition, aiming to push students beyond their comfort zones and inspire them to reach new heights in their learning journey.
At the heart of the challenge model lies the belief that every student, regardless of their current ability, can benefit from being stretched intellectually. It's about creating an environment where the challenge in practice is not an exception but a norm. This approach encourages teachers to allocate time for students to delve into complex problems, explore key concepts in depth, and engage in critical thinking.
For instance, in a challenge classroom, a mathematics teacher might introduce a complex problem-solving task that requires students to apply various mathematical concepts they've learned over the course of the year. This not only reinforces their understanding but also promotes a deeper connection with the material.
According to Dr. Carol Dweck, a renowned psychologist and researcher, "In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I'm going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here's a chance to grow." This quote encapsulates the essence of the stretch and challenge approach, where challenges are seen as opportunities rather than obstacles.
A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that students who were consistently challenged in their learning environment showed a 12% increase in overall academic performance. This statistic underscores the tangible benefits of integrating Challenge into Activities.
In essence, the stretch and challenge approach is about fostering a culture where lesson time is maximized, and students are continually encouraged to strive for excellence. It's about creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment where Challenge learners become an integral part of the educational experience.
As educators and school leaders contemplate this philosophy, they are embracing a path that leads not only to academic success but to the cultivation of lifelong learners. Another insightful read on this subject can be found in the International Journal of Educational Research, shedding light on how this approach can be tailored to different educational settings.
To answer this question, let's consider the curriculum as a vehicle for social mobility. Every school has a range of ability levels and challenge activities should be designed to move classroom thinking forward. The level of challenge should be suitable for the pupil which requires a certain level of differentiation. What is hard for me might be easy for you. We want every pupil to go beyond their current understanding and where possible, adopt threshold concepts, the type of thinking that changes the way you view the world forever. In many state schools, the pupil premium agenda skews curriculum access over a rigorous stretch & challenge programme.
To transform challenges into activities for the classroom, our members have adopted the universal thinking framework. This practical planning and delivery tool enable educators to design challenge teaching strategies that really gets everyone thinking. The learning actions extend the opportunities to provide challenge across a wide ability range. Instead of ability streaming, teachers can create lesson plans that have different tangents embedded within them.
The learning objectives can be seen as a compass (giving the task direction) whilst the challenge activities are carefully mapped out to cater for the broad ability spectrum. This approach has meant that classrooms can take on adopt an 'access and challenge' agenda. Instead of just providing additional learning materials for those who have finished the task, the framework enables children to deepen their learning experiences by changing perspectives and looking at topics from different angles. The best performing schools see additional learning opportunities throughout the curriculum to develop advanced knowledge. This is not just 'more stuff' but new perspectives and ways of using that knowledge to achieve different goals.
Using frameworks such as solo taxonomy and blooms enables educators to explore the academic potential by subtly reframing the learning objective. These types of frameworks enable teachers to design learning experiences that can move classroom thinking into new territories. Mary Myatt recently discussed the idea that schools often talk about 'doing the romans'. Using a framework for teaching enables educators to outline bespoke learning opportunities for the entire class ability range. The thinking and learning actions within our framework have also been used as an assessment method. For example, if we take the Roman topic, can a pupil:
1) Identify what the Romans have done for us?
2) Categorise those benefits into different criteria?
3) Provide local examples of those benefits?
4) Find suitable adjectives to describe these benefits?
5) Imagine what life would be like without the Roman occupation of Britain?
The UTF actions can be carefully ordered into an engaging assessment methodology that gradually increases with cognitive complexity. In other words, we are not asking the child to simply do 'more stuff', we are asking them to think about the concept in different ways thus developing a greater depth of knowledge. We have seen many schools create assessment procedures that put the student's cognitive abilities at stage centre. These can be facilitated 'on the fly' and challenge learners to adopt new perspectives on familiar knowledge. In time, our members have also used attitudinal challenges. This is the idea of entertaining a thought before accepting it.
Challenge activities don't have to always involve writing. Asking students to elaborate in different ways about the curriculum content can be equally as impactful. Having to have superior writing skills might act as a barrier for embracing a stretch and challenge for all policy. We know that talk can extend thinking and that's why, in recent years, Oracy has begun to get the attention it deserves.
Why not challenge students to:
Neil Mercer's work has shown us that oral reasoning skills affect cognitive skills. Students can demonstrate an array of abilities through the spoken word without being anxious about the quality of handwriting or grammatical structure. Using the Universal Thinking Framework's question and answer stems enable classrooms to set up interactive experiences that develop pupils' passion for learning. Even though using a learning experience such as oracy doesn't always end up with written evidence in a book, progress can be documented with the right assessment approaches. Within our learning skills framework, you will find various scales that outline the type of behaviours associated with these competencies. The teacher can use the framework to document wider knowledge and skills progression.
A complex question can really provoke deep thinking. The bank of Socratic and exploratory questions embedded within the framework enable teachers to turn a basic question into a more complex task that advances the level of thinking. To go one step further, the graphic organisers included in the membership are an engaging tool for adding shape to your pupils thinking. Using these type of accessible resources causes the learner to really think about how all of the parts fit together, a gateway to critical thinking.
All of these resources are available for our members to use across their school. If you would like to talk anything through, please do get in touch for an informal conversation.
Stretch and challenge strategies are integral in education, particularly when working with previously higher-attaining pupils. Such techniques ensure that every individual learner is engaged, stimulated, and progressing. Unleashing these strategies requires careful planning, innovative approaches, and a keen understanding of each pupil's abilities and aspirations.
Let's explore some practical steps:
A study by the Education Endowment Foundation found that challenging students through individualised instruction can provide an additional two months' progress over a year.
Educational expert Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson states, “The idea of differentiating instruction to accommodate the different ways that students learn involves a hefty dose of common sense, as well as sturdy support in the theory and research of education."
By providing appropriate stretch and challenge, we're not just catering to higher-attaining pupils. We are also fostering a growth mindset, promoting resilience, and equipping all learners with the skills they need to face challenges beyond the classroom.
Stretch and challenge in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) environments is a nuanced and multifaceted approach that demands a tailored strategy.
It's about recognizing the unique abilities and potential of each student and creating a learning environment that offers the right level of challenge without overwhelming them.
Here are nine ideas that can guide SENDCOs and teachers in implementing a stretch and challenge agenda in SEND settings:
A study published in the Journal of Special Education revealed that personalized learning strategies led to a 15% improvement in academic performance among SEND students.
In conclusion, implementing stretch and challenge in SEND environments is about creating a dynamic, inclusive, and ambitious learning culture. It's about recognizing the potential in every student and providing them with the opportunities and support to reach it. Further insights can be found in the European Journal of Special Needs Education, which explores various methodologies and practices in SEND education.
Implementing a stretch and challenge approach in various forms, such as questioning techniques, physical stretching, and policy-based higher-order thinking, has been shown to positively influence classroom engagement and deepen learning outcomes.
Stretch and challenge, a pedagogical approach that resonates with both primary and secondary school leaders, is more than a mere buzzword in modern education. It's a philosophy that embodies an ethos of ambition, aiming to push students beyond their comfort zones and inspire them to reach new heights in their learning journey.
At the heart of the challenge model lies the belief that every student, regardless of their current ability, can benefit from being stretched intellectually. It's about creating an environment where the challenge in practice is not an exception but a norm. This approach encourages teachers to allocate time for students to delve into complex problems, explore key concepts in depth, and engage in critical thinking.
For instance, in a challenge classroom, a mathematics teacher might introduce a complex problem-solving task that requires students to apply various mathematical concepts they've learned over the course of the year. This not only reinforces their understanding but also promotes a deeper connection with the material.
According to Dr. Carol Dweck, a renowned psychologist and researcher, "In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I'm going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here's a chance to grow." This quote encapsulates the essence of the stretch and challenge approach, where challenges are seen as opportunities rather than obstacles.
A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that students who were consistently challenged in their learning environment showed a 12% increase in overall academic performance. This statistic underscores the tangible benefits of integrating Challenge into Activities.
In essence, the stretch and challenge approach is about fostering a culture where lesson time is maximized, and students are continually encouraged to strive for excellence. It's about creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment where Challenge learners become an integral part of the educational experience.
As educators and school leaders contemplate this philosophy, they are embracing a path that leads not only to academic success but to the cultivation of lifelong learners. Another insightful read on this subject can be found in the International Journal of Educational Research, shedding light on how this approach can be tailored to different educational settings.
To answer this question, let's consider the curriculum as a vehicle for social mobility. Every school has a range of ability levels and challenge activities should be designed to move classroom thinking forward. The level of challenge should be suitable for the pupil which requires a certain level of differentiation. What is hard for me might be easy for you. We want every pupil to go beyond their current understanding and where possible, adopt threshold concepts, the type of thinking that changes the way you view the world forever. In many state schools, the pupil premium agenda skews curriculum access over a rigorous stretch & challenge programme.
To transform challenges into activities for the classroom, our members have adopted the universal thinking framework. This practical planning and delivery tool enable educators to design challenge teaching strategies that really gets everyone thinking. The learning actions extend the opportunities to provide challenge across a wide ability range. Instead of ability streaming, teachers can create lesson plans that have different tangents embedded within them.
The learning objectives can be seen as a compass (giving the task direction) whilst the challenge activities are carefully mapped out to cater for the broad ability spectrum. This approach has meant that classrooms can take on adopt an 'access and challenge' agenda. Instead of just providing additional learning materials for those who have finished the task, the framework enables children to deepen their learning experiences by changing perspectives and looking at topics from different angles. The best performing schools see additional learning opportunities throughout the curriculum to develop advanced knowledge. This is not just 'more stuff' but new perspectives and ways of using that knowledge to achieve different goals.
Using frameworks such as solo taxonomy and blooms enables educators to explore the academic potential by subtly reframing the learning objective. These types of frameworks enable teachers to design learning experiences that can move classroom thinking into new territories. Mary Myatt recently discussed the idea that schools often talk about 'doing the romans'. Using a framework for teaching enables educators to outline bespoke learning opportunities for the entire class ability range. The thinking and learning actions within our framework have also been used as an assessment method. For example, if we take the Roman topic, can a pupil:
1) Identify what the Romans have done for us?
2) Categorise those benefits into different criteria?
3) Provide local examples of those benefits?
4) Find suitable adjectives to describe these benefits?
5) Imagine what life would be like without the Roman occupation of Britain?
The UTF actions can be carefully ordered into an engaging assessment methodology that gradually increases with cognitive complexity. In other words, we are not asking the child to simply do 'more stuff', we are asking them to think about the concept in different ways thus developing a greater depth of knowledge. We have seen many schools create assessment procedures that put the student's cognitive abilities at stage centre. These can be facilitated 'on the fly' and challenge learners to adopt new perspectives on familiar knowledge. In time, our members have also used attitudinal challenges. This is the idea of entertaining a thought before accepting it.
Challenge activities don't have to always involve writing. Asking students to elaborate in different ways about the curriculum content can be equally as impactful. Having to have superior writing skills might act as a barrier for embracing a stretch and challenge for all policy. We know that talk can extend thinking and that's why, in recent years, Oracy has begun to get the attention it deserves.
Why not challenge students to:
Neil Mercer's work has shown us that oral reasoning skills affect cognitive skills. Students can demonstrate an array of abilities through the spoken word without being anxious about the quality of handwriting or grammatical structure. Using the Universal Thinking Framework's question and answer stems enable classrooms to set up interactive experiences that develop pupils' passion for learning. Even though using a learning experience such as oracy doesn't always end up with written evidence in a book, progress can be documented with the right assessment approaches. Within our learning skills framework, you will find various scales that outline the type of behaviours associated with these competencies. The teacher can use the framework to document wider knowledge and skills progression.
A complex question can really provoke deep thinking. The bank of Socratic and exploratory questions embedded within the framework enable teachers to turn a basic question into a more complex task that advances the level of thinking. To go one step further, the graphic organisers included in the membership are an engaging tool for adding shape to your pupils thinking. Using these type of accessible resources causes the learner to really think about how all of the parts fit together, a gateway to critical thinking.
All of these resources are available for our members to use across their school. If you would like to talk anything through, please do get in touch for an informal conversation.
Stretch and challenge strategies are integral in education, particularly when working with previously higher-attaining pupils. Such techniques ensure that every individual learner is engaged, stimulated, and progressing. Unleashing these strategies requires careful planning, innovative approaches, and a keen understanding of each pupil's abilities and aspirations.
Let's explore some practical steps:
A study by the Education Endowment Foundation found that challenging students through individualised instruction can provide an additional two months' progress over a year.
Educational expert Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson states, “The idea of differentiating instruction to accommodate the different ways that students learn involves a hefty dose of common sense, as well as sturdy support in the theory and research of education."
By providing appropriate stretch and challenge, we're not just catering to higher-attaining pupils. We are also fostering a growth mindset, promoting resilience, and equipping all learners with the skills they need to face challenges beyond the classroom.
Stretch and challenge in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) environments is a nuanced and multifaceted approach that demands a tailored strategy.
It's about recognizing the unique abilities and potential of each student and creating a learning environment that offers the right level of challenge without overwhelming them.
Here are nine ideas that can guide SENDCOs and teachers in implementing a stretch and challenge agenda in SEND settings:
A study published in the Journal of Special Education revealed that personalized learning strategies led to a 15% improvement in academic performance among SEND students.
In conclusion, implementing stretch and challenge in SEND environments is about creating a dynamic, inclusive, and ambitious learning culture. It's about recognizing the potential in every student and providing them with the opportunities and support to reach it. Further insights can be found in the European Journal of Special Needs Education, which explores various methodologies and practices in SEND education.
Implementing a stretch and challenge approach in various forms, such as questioning techniques, physical stretching, and policy-based higher-order thinking, has been shown to positively influence classroom engagement and deepen learning outcomes.